Outreach Opportunities


H4H Monthly Outreach

Once a month, our Tabernacle Family gathers on campus in preparation to launch out into the community in collaboration with other benevolent organizations to share the love of Jesus in a tangible way.

House-to-House Soul-Winning

Teams of church members visit door-to-door in local communities presenting the gospel, inviting area residents to church, and identifying those who have spiritual needs.

New Move-In Visitation

Members visit new residents, invite them to attend the services of Tabernacle Baptist Church, and provide helpful information about their new neighborhood and community.

Hospital Visitation

Members visit other members who are hospitalized, with the goal of encouraging them in the Lord and meeting needs as opportunities arise.

Prospect Follow-Up

Sunday school teachers and workers visit those who have been identified as a prospect with a spiritual need and an interest in learning more about the Lord Jesus Christ and the ministries of Tabernacle Baptist Church.

Visitor Follow-Up

Each week, those who have visited Tabernacle Baptist Church receive in-home visits designed to provide information about the Sunday School, various church ministries, and how interested visitors may unite with the church.

Children's Discipleship

Trained children’s workers visit in the homes of young converts to teach the importance of following Him in believer’s baptism and faithfulness in the Christian life.

Teen Soul-Winning

Each week teens from Tabernacle Baptist Church have the opportunity to share the gospel with many in our community through house-to-house visitation, teen follow-up, and other forms of visitation.

Bus Ministry

Every Sunday & Wednesday, members of our church take buses into our community, picking up young people and bringing them to be a part of what God is doing here at Tabernacle.

Spanish-Speaking Visitation

Each week teams of workers visit with Spanish-speaking families in our community in an effort to present the gospel and encourage those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior to continue to follow Him.

Nursing Home Ministry

Many times throughout the week church members young and old carry the gospel message to the residents and staff of nursing homes and assisted living centers. In-house worship services and Bible studies are conducted for residents who cannot attend church. Workers volunteer their time making visits, reading, singing, conducting Bible studies, and much more.

Hickory Soup Kitchen

Once each month volunteers from our church family have the opportunity to serve a warm meal and share the love of Christ with many who take advantage of the assistance provided by the Hickory Soup Kitchen. Others in our church bring in needed items to provide meals to those in need.


Community Events

At Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, the Tabernacle Family has the opportunity to take part in our events. While each has a unique feel, these events serve as a tool to engage our community with the gospel and fun-filled memories!

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